Should you do cardio before or after weights to lose weight?

Cardio and weight training are essential components of most workout routines. If you’re a regular at the gym, you likely have a favorite between starting with cardio machines or the weight room. However, is there a genuine advantage in choosing to do one before the other?

Let’s see what science has discovered.

cardio before or after weights to lose weight

What are your goals?

When determining the order of cardio and weights in a workout, it’s wise to consider your objectives. Many believe that cardio alone is the only effective approach for weight loss. However, both cardio and strength training are essential components for a successful weight loss journey.

Identifying these specific goals is the first step in deciding whether to prioritize cardio or weights. By aligning the workout order with your desired goal, you can optimize the training outcomes.

Is it better to do cardio before or after weights?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as it primarily hinges on your fitness objectives. Regarding weight loss, research findings on exercise sequence are inconsistent. However, recent studies lean towards strength training preceding cardio. A study revealed that more fat was burned by doing weights before cardio.

Is it better to do cardio before or after weights?

In another small study, researchers discovered that starting with strength training elevated heart rate more than beginning with cardio (in the same workout). Thus, commencing your workouts with strength training could aid in burning more calories. Nevertheless, some research indicates that cardio is more effective for weight loss than strength training. A combination of both is ideal for maintaining weight loss.

Exercise sequence is less significant if your aim is more general, like being active or boosting overall health. You can experiment by alternating cardio and weights first to determine your preferred order. This could involve beginning with the exercise you like the least to get it done.

Whichever order you select, a brief, low-intensity warmup is essential. A 5- to 10-minute warmup with dynamic movements will ready your muscles for exercise. Warmup exercises include walking on a treadmill, using an elliptical at a low intensity, or cycling slowly on a stationary bike.

What are the benefits of doing cardio before weightlifting?

Cardio before weightlifting has several benefits, especially for those looking to enhance their endurance. According to some trainers, doing cardio first enhances performance to reach fitness goals like improved endurance.

What are the benefits of doing cardio before weightlifting

For instance, if you’re a runner aiming to increase your speed for an upcoming race, you can prioritize a quality run before weight training. This way, weightlifting can support your running performance, which is the primary goal.

In addition, cardio exercises increase blood flow to your muscles, making it an excellent way to warm up for any workout. It’s essential to start with a light cardio warm-up to prepare your muscles for the exercise to come.

What are the benefits of doing cardio after weightlifting?

Doing cardio after weightlifting has many benefits, especially for building strength in lower-body muscles. According to some trainers, weightlifting should be done before cardio because it relies on stored sugar in the muscles, called glycogen, for fuel. Doing cardio first would deplete some of that glycogen, making weightlifting more challenging.

On the other hand, cardio exercises rely on a mix of glycogen and fat for fuel. When you lift weights, you burn glycogen, and then your body has to burn more fat for fuel during cardio. This means that by doing cardio after weightlifting, you can burn more fat and improve your overall fitness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Conclusion: Is it better to do cardio or weights first for weight loss?

There is no universally superior method, and the best approach may vary depending on your preference. It’s beneficial to experiment with both cardio before weights and weights before cardio to determine which works best for you. The key is to ensure that you include both cardio and strength training in your weekly exercise routine, regardless of the order in which you perform them.

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